Kerwin Returns from Overseas Military Deployment, Ready to Resume Legislative Duties

October 31, 2024

ELIZABETHVILLE – Rep. Joe Kerwin (R-Dauphin) has returned to Pennsylvania after a 10-month deployment to eastern Africa with Task Force Paxton, 2nd Battalion, 112th Infantry, Pennsylvania Army National Guard.

While overseas, Kerwin commanded a 131-soldier company. Kerwin and his infantry company were tasked with securing a strategic expeditionary air base in the region from terrorist threats. Kerwin’s unit worked 24/7 to maintain area security and protect vital American assets while in an austere environment.

“I am thankful that my unit is out of harm’s way,” Kerwin said. “I am equally thankful that my brother, Capt. Jack Kerwin, and I are back safely in the United States. I am humbled by the courage and sacrifice of the soldiers that I served alongside of while deployed. These soldiers lived in tough conditions and put themselves in danger to protect our country without complaint or fear. I am honored that I was able to step forward and deploy in defense of America.”

Kerwin said he looks forward to again serving his neighbors in Dauphin County.

“Now that I am home, I am ready to continue my important work on behalf of the 125th Legislative District. God has blessed me to be an American and to live in the greatest country in the world,” he said.

Kerwin was decorated with the Meritorious Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, and the Air and Space Commendation Medal for his exemplary leadership and service while forward deployed. Kerwin was successful in ensuring that his assigned area of responsibility was secured and that his unit was safe.

Kerwin’s legislation to create a specialty license plate for veterans was signed into law while he was deployed. Act 36 of 2024 creates license plates for those who served in Operation Inherent Resolve, the military campaign tasked with defeating Islamic State (commonly called ISIS or ISIL) terrorists in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Kerwin also thanked his dedicated staff members who maintained district operations and constituent services while he was deployed.

House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) said he and his colleagues are thankful Kerwin has returned safely after commanding his infantry unit abroad.

"When Rep. Kerwin and his Pennsylvania National Guard unit began preparing for deployment nearly a year ago, it was our fervent hope and prayer that they would return safely. With their return now, we are grateful that those prayers have been answered," he said. "As we welcome Rep. Kerwin's full return to service in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, we remain mindful of, and thankful for, the ongoing sacrifice of his family, and that of Pennsylvania families who continue to send loved ones into harm's way to protect the freedoms and American way of life we hold so dear."

Representative Joseph Kerwin
125th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
717-260-6563 /

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