Kerwin's Harrisburg Update
Apr. 21, 2021 / Embed
Representative Joe Kerwin gives an update to recent legislative action.
Rep. Kerwin's May 18th Ballot Questions
Apr. 21, 2021 / Embed
State Rep. Joe Kerwin explains the two questions regarding emergency disaster declarations that will be upon the May 18, 2021 primary election ballots.
Host Roundtable Discussion with Businesses Negatively Impacted by Governor’s Restrictions
Apr. 09, 2021 / Embed
Reps. Joe Kerwin and Tim Twardzik along with House Majority Caucus Secretary Rep. Martina White held a roundtable discussion with local business leaders affected by the governor’s COVID-19 restrictions and the impacts they have experienced.
Kerwin Discusses Business Difficulties
Apr. 08, 2021 / Embed
Reps. Joe Kerwin attended a roundtable discussion with local business leaders affected by the governor’s COVID-19 restrictions and the impacts they have experienced.
Rep. Kerwin Participates in Trout Stocking
Mar. 31, 2021 / Embed
Rep. Joe Kerwin takes part in Trout Stocking in preparation for Opening Day on Saturday April 3rd.